The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you. Deuteronomy 31:6.
Call, text, or chat with the 988 Lifeline to be connected with trained counselors, 24/7.
Mental Health Oasis is an educational, supportive group for mental health and illness. We meet weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Chapel HIll, NC.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the nation's largest grassroots organization on mental illness. Click here for education, advocacy, and support.
From the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) website: Learn about AFSP and "our mission to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide." The website contains important information such as Living with Suicide Loss and practical information to help immediately after a loss.
From the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) website: "Healing Conversations is a one-time visit (phone, virtual, in-person) that connects those who have lost a loved one to suicide with trained volunteers who are also survivors of suicide loss. The goal of this connection is to help recent survivors navigate this challenging journey by offering support, connection and resources."
NAMI has support groups that are peer-led including NAMI Connection and NAMI Family Support Group.
NAMI Durham and Orange Counties invite individuals with the lived experience of mental health symptoms to attend the joint Virtual Connection Recovery Support Group held every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). SAMHSA leads public health work on behavioral health and has much information on mental health conditions.
Mental Health First Aid is like CPR for mental health assistance. MHFA teaches skills and provides education on mental health and substance-use issues.
Visit our Scripture Jar! It provides ready resource for immediate access to life giving scriptures from the word of God on a variety of human conditions/questions; such as anxiety, depression, worry, the will of God, praise, joy, comfort, love, and so much more!
Many have been drawn to Mount Carmel Baptist Church through the signs out front; such as the banners, including the MHO "Mental Health Spoken Here," "Grief Oasis," and "Preschool of the Warm Heart," and the illuminated sign announcing current sermon series and special events, and even the "Community Garden" sign. Read the testimonies here!
This is where YOU have an opportunity to share YOUR story of how God has drawn you to Himself and how you came to be a part of the Mount Carmel Community whether by the SIGN(s) or otherwise. These individual stories can collectively become a powerful resource to unite our community, both within these walls and beyond. Who knows how God will use these scriptures and testimonies to draw people to Himself and into community with the body of Christ? We may be able to produce a booklet one day to share with neighbors and others to spread the GOOD NEWS of God’s amazing mercy and grace. In the meantime, keep visiting and referring others to view the website to find community and comfort. Prayerfully consider sharing YOUR testimony of faith and a scripture that has become a source of strength or encouragement to you! It is a way of practicing God’s plan to go into all the world and share the gospel with all nations.It is also "speaking mental health" too!
(If you wish to remain anonymous, please indicate on your submission.)
Inspiring videos of hope for those struggling with mental health and their loved ones.
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